There will come a time (and it may already be here, as we’ve seen forays into the issue by various Republicans), when any serious political party will craft at least a portion of their platform on ecology (Environmental Issues) and embrace it.
At present, the Republican Party has several dubious alliances with business interests that present themselves as anti-environmental. One is the gun lobby, which is chiefly a political business interest. It is related to Global Arms dealerships and Defense Contractors. A second is Agribusiness, including Agrichemicals and Big Pharma. Current Agribusiness deals in massive ecological destruction and chemical poisons. Now it has veered off into genetic toxicity as well. Obviously, large scale Agribusiness, chemical and genetic poison, military attrition, and mass murder are not ecological concerns. So Republican leadership is held hostage by concerns for their own pocketbooks and political leverage (power).
But the global social reality is shifting and sensing this seismic transition, the Republican platform is in the early stages of drafting an ecological plank.