We live in the world of Corporate Monopoly and our Government is a Commercial Government. We currently have the best Government that Big Money can buy. History has shown (and everybody knows) that Commercial Enterprise will take full advantage of every leverage and loophole that can be found; and then go extra distance in encroaching upon laws, morals, legal rights and the domain of citizens and other enterprises, up to and until they are stopped (by some power greater than themselves). For this we exercise the channels of judicial constraint (often civil proceedings but sometimes criminal).
Even at this very minute, commercial interests are engaged in bringing their ambitions right up into your face and into your private affairs: on your home phone with spoofing and junk calls, into your cell phone with bogus messages, on your facebook pages with spurious accounts, trolling and micro-marketing and now on your computer screen with jump-boxes, and stuffed into your mailbox several times a week; anything you research on google is prioritized first according to commercial interest and you must fight your way through the ambient marketing to read your information. Corporate interests are running our world.
Our current president is also the best president that Big (International) Money can buy. He’s not a bad guy, no worse than your boss at work. And he’s certainly entertaining. But his monopolization of the media ranks as the biggest single commercial victory in the history of mankind.
The point is, that commercial interest will continue to steamroll the citizens of our country until we collectively put a stop to it. Republicans (and Democrats) all have our best interests at stake here and should embrace this impeachment moment with joy and vigor so that we may at least put the brakes on widespread and rampant commercial corruption that is ruining our government. Impeachment doesn’t have to mean removal. Once the boundaries have been re-established, commercial government enterprise can repair those areas where citizens have (collectively) voiced serious disapproval. This doesn’t have to be a party-line orchestration (another Big Money Business frenzy, into which we -the people- have been nefariously manipulated into). It is extremely important that we embrace the Democratic Zoo and continue to provide orderly channels of expressive inclusion so that our society may continue to evolve in peace and prosperity. If I’m hearing the Democratic wail correctly, they are asking for prosperity and a good life, too.
We must impeach our President now and provide a stern rebuff to those Corporate Czars who would override the prosperity of our goodly Republic and who wish to institute monopoly and fascism in our good name and on our watch.