The Quantum Self and Manifestation
What is a Self? In philosophy, the self is a substantive idea that is poorly defined and often disputed. It brings up questions about who we are and our existence- really it asks what it means to exist at all and is there something that it is like to experience self-conscious existence. The self is not a given structure that has always been there, but rather it is something that we have to create. The sense of self is shaped by the processes we go through in our lives and the events that happen to us. A self provides us with an inner sense or awareness arising from conscious activity, behavior, and thought.
In order to understand the concept of a self, we need to explore 3 related subjects: Self-reflective knowledge, many worlds interpretation and parallel worlds (or selves). Depending on which perspective you take, you can arrive at an understanding of your own identity or lack thereof.
Self Reflection
To be Self-reflective is to experience a state of being aware of oneself or one’s attributes with coherence over time and throughout the course of subjective vicissitudes. A coherent self-awareness is the product of self-reflective processes. These processes can enable a person to develop a stable and psychologically integrated personality and maintain that integration so as to experience continuity in everyday functioning. A self might then be defined as the multidimensional conjuncture of coherent wholes as experiential awareness. A Conjuncture is the meeting-place or intersection of two elements or points in space or time; the place at which two things coincide. It can also refer to the state where two thoughts come together in the mind to form one whole idea, opinion, vision etc., as when several pieces make up a whole mental picture.
MWI and Parallel Worlds
Each of us live our lives with the knowledge that we make a number of decisions in each moment. We either go left or right, go to work or stay home, take a new job or stay in the one we have. Our choices and experiences ultimately lead to our own unique version of life. The many worlds interpretation of quantum theory says that every time a choice is made, reality splits into two different universes called parallel worlds. The theory implies that every possible outcome exists in some form somewhere and which world an individual inhabits is determined by the choices they make. An important question about the nature of the self is raised by the “many worlds interpretation” of quantum mechanics. This theory claims that all possible quantum states exist simultaneously in different universes, meaning there are many worlds with you in them, each with their own selves.
In the “many worlds interpretation,” parallel selves exist in other universes and they are not just living different lives, but they are literally living in different worlds. In this view, life is more like a game of Quantum Jumping than it is like traditional linear life. It has many loops and branches at any given moment with each branch leading to another world that is virtually identical to ours but with slight differences. Some people use avatars as their virtual self to explore these other realities that exist simultaneously with ours or explore them via alter egos. We can think of an ego as the I consciousness.
The I-consciousness is the self-reflected awareness, present in every human being and every other living organism on Earth. Because it is difficult to determine exact boundaries-where the self begins and where it might stop, it is seemingly unbounded and ever-present which indicates nothing less than a transfinite entity. I consciousness could be an infinite, silent intelligence that is always aware of our thoughts and feelings. I consciousness can provide awareness about what will happen to an individual or situation in the future. It also knows everything that has happened in the past, in addition to a subjective awareness of a contiguous present.
Virtual Self
A Virtual Self is a person’s alter ego or a holographic projection (digital representation) of their personality. In the virtual, digital world, people can become anyone they want to be, can change their personality, features, skills and even physical appearance. We have many parallel worlds where people live out all different kinds of lives. Some people have a parallel self living in an entirely different timeline. To some extent, this is how we all live our lives in one sense or another: we choose what version of ourselves to put forward and we take control over who to be when it suits us. An avatar can be seen as a representation of one’s virtual self. It may be an internet representation or an alter ego, a form of expression like an art project or creative writing piece. In the above context, our Avatara represent coherent personifications of a relevant over-self, which assume particular roles within a given context or lifeline of quantum decoherence from a set of parallel affordances.
Panpsychic Subjectivities and Manifestation
The panpsychic mind is the collective consciousness of our total subjectivities. It can be thought of as an Akashic overmind that manifests itself in a precipitation of plenitude and superabundance. The more we discover about this mind, the more we will understand how to increase its power, through the power of positive thought .
Cognizant thought selects the goals presented via daily needs and ambitions, then submits them to the Superconsciousness. The Superconscious is also known as Universal Consciousness. This Consciousness is cognizant of all that is happening in the Universe, past, present and future. It is always awake and conscious of all things. Superconsciousness will continue expanding in the future, increasing our ability to manifest and perceive. The Akashic records are the storehouse of all knowledge, and the Superconsciousness is their manifestation on a higher level. This storehouse is at a level beyond human consciousness as we know it.