The Guardians (Elite Space Force)

Regarding the Elite Space Force: it is hoped that this effort will provide a portal of development, away from warfare in general and transitioning toward the concerns of Science. The technological correlations have always been there, especially from the engineering perspective of Applied Science. As orbiting Science (and by extension, projections into the Frontier of Space) the great majority of ‘Space Force’ attention will concern itself with Pure Science and the Natural Sciences, with emphasis on Medicine and Engineering; yet there will always be a smaller contingent of Militarism (Defense, Security, MP, etc.). Because of the extreme challenges involved with spatial necessities, the Military component will become compact and efficient. This is where the Future of the Military on Earth is taking us, as well. Our Ground Forces are already distinguished by compact, efficient, elite forces (Royal Guard, Seals, Special Forces and Covert Ops, Rangers, etc.).

In the interim, though we may claim to be motivated solely by guardianship, the fact of the matter is that we must look at any planet-sized system as a potential threat and strategize against it as we would any other massive force of deployment (a ‘death-star’, if you will, or an invading Navy) and subsequently consider by what means our orbiting guardians might destroy it (or incapacitate its Operationals). Therefore the implicit bias of our orbital mission is no different from our current terrestrial counterpart; different only by its compact fleet and limited resources and sustainability (when not cooperating in joint deployment with ground forces).

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