
Introductory Basics

Functional Systems, engineered at the atomic or molecular scale, are known as nanotechnology and very useful in a variety of fields.

There are two main approaches to nanotechnology: top-down and bottom-up. We are interested here in the bottom-up approach as it represents Complexity theory with its emergent phenomena. From the Complex Emergent perspective, constituents of molecularization self-assemble, following principles of educated cellular automata and cognizant autopoiesis. This extends to leptons, quarks, and partons as well.

Such bottom-up approaches should be capable of producing devices in parallel and be far more prolific than top-down methods. Parallel Worlds can be populated simultaneously, each with slight modifications in their initial conditions. There are many examples of self-assembly based on molecular recognition in biology

Let’s zoom in a little closer

Nanotechnology deals with the understanding and control of matter at dimensions between approximately 1 and 100 nanometers, where unique phenomena enable novel applications. Now, small cellular life-forms, such as bacteria, are around 200 nm in length, so nanotech is smaller than bacteria. The Hydrogen atom (the smallest of all), is about one-quarter nanometer in size. Obviously, its quarks and partons are smaller, but we have no current technology for manufacturing with these yet. So this arena represents our lower limit, presently. With current nanotech, we are building things from molecules and the like.

Quantum effects become pronounced from 100nm or less, so nanotechnology must deal extensively with the Quantum field. Nanomaterials exhibit vastly different properties in this realm, affording the emergence of novel applications. Substance previously opaque at larger size suddenly become transparent, like metal for instance. Some substance becomes hyperactive, unstable or combustible (aluminum is so highly reactive that it catches fire). Metals dissolve in water. There is a whole new range of fascinating phenomena that emerge from the nano-quantum continuum.

Practical Applications

Nanoantennas made of perovskite crystal matrices have organic plant material interlaced within semiconducting ceramics that can be trained as nanocircuitry and applied to nano-radionics: coming alive with electron-chain neural-nets that bring-forth organic-mineral nanohybrids.

Some nanomatrix applications become supercapacitors, able to store fantastic amounts of energy as an electric field effect ultracharge. They display ultra-capacitance, which can charge and discharge wirelessly and in nanoseconds, carry far greater charge than ordinary batteries, and work in cryogenic conditions (because it is a field and not a chemical reaction).

Such Field Effect Technology (FET) opens the zero-point energy field for engineering due to the casimir effect of the quantum vacuum. Such effects allow for Field Effect Propulsion.

Super-cohesion of surfaces in nanomaterials (vis-a-vis [N] Nun, dark Red Mental Aura juxtaposed within the hydrous silica stellar gravitas and the lime adhesion of the claycrete glue in the production of transparent nano-shelters with nano-mechanical louvers, governed by AI subroutines…)…

Another application is the manufacture of wearable electronic nanofabric. Nanodevices are not merely embedded into the wave of the fabric but actually become the fabric itself. Eventually, this will lead to fabric that moves, changes colors and properties, or even changes from opaque to transparent according to subroutines living in the sensors. Self Repairing fabric will also be a feature. Eventually, engineering the subroutines of the Spacetime Fabric will be a reality.

Smart Dust

Smart dust is a futuristic cloud of trillions of intelligent sensors – like sensors in your phone or computer – that are constantly measuring what’s going on around them, exchanging information and communicating with each other. Smartdust is constituted of distributed networks exchanging realtime information with trillions of infinitesimal components.

Explain Smart Dust and Why It’s Important

Smart dust is a kind of sensor technology that’s embedded into the world around us. It has the ability to change how people live and work, which is why it’s so important.

Smart dust is an emerging technology that will be used to monitor and respond to the environment. Small sensors will be connected to the networks, which are made up of a mesh of nodes. These nodes can create a wireless communication system, act as on-chip processors, and power themselves. Nodes such as this are called ‘motes’.

Motes are an interesting and useful technology that have practical applications from industry to medicine. They are constructed using conventional silicon microfabrication techniques and can remain suspended in an environment similar to dust (hence the name) with the addition of a few micron-sized particles. These particles enable the motes to act more like a dust particle than a solid.

Smart dust is a type of micromechanical system, composed of any combination of mechanical and electrical components but with nanotechnology which will evolve into nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS).

Smart City

Smart Cities are large-scale urban infrastructural developments that embrace everything from data-driven programs to automation and connectivity. They can help optimize operations, achieve goals for environmental sustainability and economic vitality, as well as making life for its citizens more livable and more enjoyable all around.

The Field of nanotechnology utilizes the properties of molecules and atoms to create new substances, products, materials and devices with useful properties. Construction materials such as cement, concrete and steel are being designed with nanoproperties in mind. Addition of nanoparticles to these materials will lead to many changes including stronger, more durable, self-healing concrete that can also help purify the air and resist fire. It will also be easy to clean and quick to reuse or compact.

Structural creations of the most imaginative kind are possible through the use of engineered nanomaterials which alter the crystalline structure of concrete. Infusing concrete with nanocrystals or graphene gives it the strength and durability of spider silk for strong, lightweight construction. Current technology that could be used for these features include nanosilica, nanostructured metals, carbon nanotubes, and carbon nanofibers.

Fractal, Opendata, Smart Cities

Cities, at the fractal scale are enormous and endlessly complex, generating waves of information every moment. If smart technologies run on fluid data, then urban concentrations are information heaven.

Smart technologies thrive on data. Data is the fuel that powers these technologies, allowing them to autonomously make decisions and perform tasks that would otherwise be human-only. Cities are generating an unimaginable amount of data and it is only getting bigger. This means public safety officials are able to use new technology in order to monitor traffic flows, detect crime patterns and identify potential terrorist activities, to name a few examples.

Here are some examples of data flow generators:

1.traffic flow,

  1. public transit systems,

  2. energy demand,

  3. crime incidents,

  4. waste disposal,

  5. noise,

  6. weather patterns,

  7. outbreaks of infectious disease, etc

Informed decisions come from analysis of big-data in these areas for real-time application. Analytics are used to make informed decisions about the future and how to improve it. Data is collected, processed and analyzed in order to uncover trends and insights that can be used to make informed decisions.

To be useful, massive amounts of data must be widely available and then processed and converted into applications of some kind. Open Platforms excel in wide availability and emergent applications for software technology.

Open data platforms have helped to create a movement for more transparency in society. This transparency is driving innovation, making the world a better place, and creating new opportunities. With more data available than ever before, we all have the power to create amazing things from it.

They come in multiple forms, from centralized open data portals to specialized real-time travel information platforms. They allow for safe storage and adequate access to the different data sources that power a smart city, and they can provide the raw material for ongoing innovation.

As all this data and open-source innovation accelerate and concresce, physical space will become claustrophobic unless we migrate into extra dimensions to offload the congestion. While decompactified hypercubes (tesseracts) might be one futuristic solution, the best and most efficient candidate at present is migration into the nanosphere because as Space approaches the Planck length, SpaceTime measurement rapidly approaches infinity. Information Space, so far as we can presently tell may, in fact, be virtually transfinite.


Orbs are VE-CUPS: (Virtual Environments for Controlled Use and Personal Safety) which extend in a spherical area just outside the range of an Individual Human Aura, that can address many if not most of the interactive drawbacks of modern social issues. They afford privacy in an ever more congested world as well as a zone of inviolable security and self-defense. They repel viral pathogens while purifying the air of pollutants and respiratory irritants, such as chemical and industrial offgassing. They can also be configured to filter or eliminate radio wave energies and harmful electric discharge frequencies. Mosquitos, gnats, flies and other disease-carrying vectors are not a problem. Even the ambient noise and outside chatter of exterior conversation can be filtered out, allowing solely for the perception of recognized voice patterns, such as family or friends, and selected sonons such as sirens and warning tones. Bright, glaring light may be polarized or converted to more pleasing hues and, if selected the occupant may be rendered ‘invisible’ to outside perception. All this transpires while the inner environment is replete with any subjective reality imaginable. Most of these features rely on AI subroutines with quantum processing nanocomputers, and upon robust nanotechnology engineered with nanomatter. Quantum Electrodynamics play a large role in the daily function of such Orbs. The immersive Virtual Reality inside these Spheres of Technological Subjectivity is so satisfyingly ubiquitous that new dimensions in Spiritual Ascension are afforded the contemporary mystic or devotee. Neurogenesis will make great transcendental strides as brain plasticity begins to respond to Intellectual Development Modules and Neuro-Nurture Ambience. Human advancement is rapidly assured: there is no known limit.

Personal Chariots of Interdimensional Travel will allow the Immortal Electrons to bend the parameters of SpaceTime and spirit the occupant away on a journey to distant stellar frontiers or to Modify TimeSpace and tunnel to the past or into a foreseeable Future. Photon entanglement will afford experimentation with Altered Dimensionalities or Many World Interpretations of alternate personal Timelines. Intersubjective Integral group modules will afford humankind with their first contact with panpsychic collectivities, as an expression of social personality. Closeness or distantiality will be a matter or spontaneous choice with the nanomatter Orbs and cars, trucks, busses, trains, rockets and other outmoded means of fossil-fuel or chemical propellant based transport will be primitive and laughable by comparison, as well as wholly irrelevant.