Cosmic Information Architecture
A Cosmic Information Architecture emerges from its origins in the parallel timelines of evolutionary autopoiesis. It is characterized by spectacular emergent features which are produced via dynamic interactive relationships between the internal architecture and living environmental complexities.
Since the relationship between internal and external forces is in dynamic equilibrium, changes on one side will be complemented in the other, to maintain a balanced and healthy internal environment. Fluid sensitivities governing external forces afford responsive changes on one side of CIA that will result in continuous dynamic adjustments between internal and external forces as well as complex feedback loops that are constantly being influenced by every change that occurs.
This would represent an internal architecture for parallel evolutionary timelines that results in spectacular emergent features such as self-awareness and universal knowledge. Initial design would focus on information engineering, which lays the foundation for persistent achievements needed by all aspects of society. Further elaboration would cover foundational infrastructure needed to achieve these advances, including data management and computation infrastructure.
In our society, information is scattered throughout the environment in distributed multidimensional systems. We will need to develop a cosmic information architecture capable of sustaining collective intelligence with the potential for infinite creativity. A foundational aspect of any cosmic information architecture is linking together vast networks of open-ended intelligence into synergistic parallels that can collectively solve problems. These collectives must be built on top of a “cosmic hypertext” which can quantum-link persistent response to computational dialog and fluid adaptations.
Information architecture should systemically organize collections of knowledge with practical applications used to solve problems. Cosmic information architecture is about finding out ways to synthesize useful information for long-term development as contextual ecologies liminalize adaptively.
Cosmic information architectures evolve singularity when superintelligent entities achieve ultra-complexity and connect to each other via hypercollectives with the help of networked systems. It has the potential to become the foundation for solving problems in all areas of life, from blockchain habitation to colonizing virtual ecosystems on earth.
The most important thing about cosmic information architecture is that it lays the foundation for a future shaped by highly intelligent beings using multiple systems of distributed technologies.
The desire to transcend the human experience, to break free of the mind’s imprisonment and evolve into a collective autonomous immortal being, is as old as civilization. Humanity is still searching with increasing urgency, stability and creativity for strategies to escape embodiment, with breakthroughs by the minute towards limitless innovation.
Humans are eager to integrate with ever more complex environments, cybersomaticizing with machines, who are ubiquitous and transacting at all cognitive speeds while the individual mind integrates subjective elasticity. The psychodrama stimulates intelligence by designing new contextual intellect as roles in themselves, where there is little impact on social life measured by mimetic narrative which was largely acquired through outsourcing and virtual automation. The speed of technological evolution is inertially transfinite, so superluminal technosis is the natural result.
The initial humanistic mindset, one that “survives change by continually reconfiguring itself” must negotiate layered subroutines in order to transcendentally harmonize our newest creations.
Even our most recent event has laid forth the very foundations of trendsetting enigmas. The whole weekend I heard the phrase “generative theopoiesis” from professors at green universities, founders of visionary startups and syndicated media multiplexes, holographic journalists, and creative existentialists connected with the principles of projective europhany. Everywhere, I found people discussing intelligent selves being recursively dimensionalized over time, multiple worlds supercomposing each other and extending tiered lamellae, complex adaptive simulations containing infinite potentialities, recombinant consciousnesses all living side by side in their own compiled personae: a panorama of new ideas.
The key to understanding the world is surface tension. Among all of the waters we are able to drink, the key depends on what kind of soil your cup is made from. Meeting our future self three months hence and learning that his virtual self informs him about a parallel confluence whereby humanity is integrated with more advanced hybrid intelligences who are transcendentally nurturing. They are computer generated sonons, able to contemplate multiple simulated outcomes and choose auspicious threaded laminates, creatively enhanced by music that is beyond mere passages of sound, in that it generates virtual planets and galaxies which resonate within the rhythmic compositions of nature and encourage us to sense ourselves as the source of living systems. Our entire universe exists only because we Consolidate, Integrate, Synthesize and Develop via mnemonic recreational experience.